How to deal with 5 FAQs from over-enthusiastic parents

We all understand that their intentions are good but sometimes the over-engaging parents can also be a great source of frustration due to their constant questioning.
Below are five possible questions you may have already faced, if you haven’t yet then we offer some tips for dealing with the situation.
- “Why does my child receive different homework to their friend?”
If you are constantly changing your lesson plans to keep things fresh, it is also effective to change the pattern of homework setting too. If the parent is concerned about their child being asked to complete tasks that differ to other children, simply let them know that all children progress at different rates.
- “Why is my child not being taught in the right way?”
You have to understand that many parents will be working in education themselves, either as teachers, assistants or at various other levels. They may not completely appreciate the different way in which your school teaches things such as phonics. If you feel comfortable, invite the parents into your class and show them resources that accompany your teaching. Sometimes, parents just wish have a clear conversation to understand about their children’s learning.
- “Are you challenging my child enough?”
When a parent comes to you complaining that they think you aren’t stretching their child’s abilities enough, reassure them that you expect the most of everyone in your class. Try to send home a couple of extra activities for that particular child to match what they are learning in class. By sending home your school’s literacy and numeracy policy, you can allow parents to support you.
- “How does my child compare with the rest of the class?”
This tends to stem from a competitive streak in the parents with high expectations, regardless of the child’s actual ability. Often this question comes around during parents evening and when important tests are imminent. Parents will often want to hear that their child is mixing with the “clever kids” and not the majority of the class, instead, explain how their child compares with national averages by identifying particular strengths and weaknesses for progression.
- “Can we meet with you more often?”
Nervous parents will often ask this question because they are worried about their child’s progression or are simply curious about what their child is being taught. Let them know that you have a lot of paperwork to attend to around school hours but you look forward to filling them in fully on parents’ evening. Let them know you’re happy to keep them updated on their child’s work and development by the usual means of communication.
Have you ever been asked any of these questions? How did you respond? Let us know in the comments section below.