Make your school more eco-friendly

eco-friendly school

Make your school more eco friendly

Sustainability is a key factor in education. Here at GLS, sustainability is one of the most important values in our business and in everything we do. Below are some tips to help your school become more eco-friendly.


Start a school garden

Start by growing plants in your school by using a  plant growth kit. Having plants in your school boosts emotions, increases creativity and reduces stress. You can also involve the pupils in learning about growing food. Plants are an essential part of the ecosystem. They need to be healthy so that they can continue their work of filtering air and providing oxygen.


Provide recycling bins

Having green recycling bins will help children and staff members to become more inclined to recycle. Make it as easy as possible for everyone in your school to comply by placing dedicated recycling bins  around the school.


Encourage walking to school

Walking to school brings a lot of benefits aside from a positive environmental impact. For those who can, encourage more walking to school.

Set a good example by leaving your car at home for a few days.

You can find some useful ideas to use in our ‘encouraging walking and biking to school’ blog.


Communicate your efforts to parents

Don’t confine your efforts to students and staff. Spread the word of your new eco-efforts into the community. Get parents onboard and they could volunteer to help out, or just continue those positive habits at home with their children.


Start an eco-club

Raise the next generation of eco-warriors by starting a new after school club all about the environment. There’s plenty of fun activities to do that will excite and embolden the imagination of your students. Plus, it is a great opportunity to teach them an important message at the same time.

Allow students to help you out with any suggestions in this post, or you could try some other activities such as: 

  • Help plant and grow seeds in the garden
  • Craft bird feeders
  • Take part in an eco-quiz
  • Repurpose rubbish or help to pick it up


Replace old or power-draining appliances

The energy efficiency of dishwashers, ovens, washing machines and more improves by the year.

Use the energy efficiency labels (which are labelled A+++ to D) to find the appliances that can cut down your electricity and water bills. One example is dishwashers, where research from Which? says that the difference in energy cost between the most and the least efficient appliance amounts to nearly £30 a year.

For more information on cutting your energy use to help the environment, as well as the school’s budget, take a look at our ‘energy saving tips for winter’ blog.


Buy eco-friendly products

The buying green revolution doesn’t have to stop at paper either. Today, there are green options for everyday school items, and at GLS we have plenty. Here are just a few:



Educating children about sustainability is more important than ever, and schools are the perfect place to inspire the next generation to make a change.