How to prepare for Spring activities

How to prepare for Spring activities
As Spring is in full swing, you need to know how to prepare your school for all the Spring activities that are already underway. The weather is getting warmer and there will be lots more outdoor activities for your school to enjoy. As an SBM, you need to ensure that your teachers, classrooms and outdoor facilities are all prepped and ready. So, here at GLS, we are here to help you with our list of tips and advice to make sure you’re fully prepared for Spring activities.
Keep your school clean
The first thing to do is make sure your school is clean. The health of teachers and students is affected by school cleanliness. Keeping classrooms and hallways clean prevents viruses and germs from spreading throughout the school.
Cleanliness is important not only for students' health but also for teachers. Teachers have frequent contact with their students throughout the day, so it is critical that they work in a clean environment. Germs can easily spread throughout the school if classrooms and hallways are not kept clean, making it difficult for students to focus on their work.
SBMs must ensure that school classrooms and hallways are clean before the school year begins. Begin by cleaning floors and surfaces with detergents, anti-bac soaps, and cleaning wipes. Furthermore, keeping the classroom clean aids in the retention of students.
Spring crafts
A huge part of spring in schools is crafting and creating spring-themed art. As the whole school will participate in spring crafts, bulk buying is needed to ensure that your school has plenty of art and craft supplies. For more details on what you may need, check out our recent blog here.
Check how much crafting stock your school has and ensure to keep on top of it. Bulk buying helps you to save vital money as it reduces the chance of running low on supplies throughout spring. Plus, it ensures that your school can join in on the fun activities. Encourage your staff to incorporate plenty of crafts into their lessons and entice students with displays around the school of their work.
A school garden
A school garden is an excellent way to get children involved from an early age and to teach them the value of environmental management. Getting children involved in gardening has a greater impact on them from a young age as they go through physical, emotional, and social development.
We know that busy SBMs are frequently overwhelmed by the challenges of managing multiple gardens at once. School gardens can be more difficult to maintain than home gardens because they are larger and have more diverse areas of growth. Starting with a small garden will be more manageable, and don't forget that it will need to be cared for during the school holidays as well!
Decorate the classroom
Switch up the decor. Displaying student work is an inexpensive and affirming way to decorate a classroom. While some excellent samples from the year's first half may still be on the walls, it is probably time for a change. Allow students to assist in the creation of displays for their work that they are proud of and allow about 15 minutes of class time for everyone to hang up their work. This small amount of effort will be significantly rewarding for children.
Preparing your school for Spring activities is vital to make sure everything goes smoothly. Provide your classrooms, teachers and outdoor facilities with all they need for the Spring months. If you have any more ideas, share them with us on Twitter.