10 things SBMs can’t live without

10 things SBMs can't live without

10 things SBMs can’t live without

SBMs need multiple resources and items to complete their hectic workload. However, there is a small selection of resources and materials that SBMs can’t live without. Discover the 10 things SBMs can’t live without. Ensure to stock up on these essentials to assist with the demanding role.


A diary

One of the most important items SBMs can’t live without is a diary. As an SBM, it is essential to keep organised and plan out times for any task to be able to complete their workload. Schedule everything needed in your weeks and days to ensure deadlines are met and clashes don’t occur. Diaries are also great to note down important information such as phone numbers, reminders and personal details when needed. 

Take your organisation to the next level with our A4 diary. With space for important details, date planner and even space for expense and budgets. Have everything you need for your job in one place and find yourself staying on top of the important tasks.


The right stationery

Within the role of an SBM a plethora of stationery is needed to complete work. There are so many types of stationery, and it can be easy to overload your stationery collection. However, it’s important that SBMs have the right stationery for the role. The main item that SBMs use regularly is pens so it’s vital to have a range of good quality pens to use.

Alongside good quality pens, SBMs need to stock up on plenty of paper, sticky notes to write reminders on, stapler & staples and paperclips to keep everything together. 

For more essential stationery SBMs need take a look at our stationery essentials blog. 


Cleaning supplies

Cleaning supplies are vital for SBMs to have in stock for the whole school and themselves too. The handiest cleaning supply for SBMs offices is simple multipurpose cleaning wipes to wipe down furniture.

Other vital cleaning supplies that SBMs can’t live without are items such as washing up liquid, glass cleaner, degreasers, multipurpose spray and anti-bac cleaning spray or wipes. These cleaning supplies are the basics for keeping the school clean and safe for everyone.


Office equipment 

SBMs spend most of their time in their office. This space needs to work for them and needs to have the correct furniture to assist them with their role. There are many office equipment and furniture that can make SBMs office space comfortable and efficient. However, there are a few essentials that SBMs need in their office to enable them to work well.

The biggest item that SBMs need to consider is the desk. Desks are what SBMs work on daily and so it needs to have the space for everything whilst not taking up too much room. Also, it may be time for a change of desk as a worn old desk isn’t the best to work on daily. Once this starting point has been sorted other equipment that are important for the office space are a quality printer, extra drawer space, a laminator, cabinets and a quality computer screen.


Comfy seating

SBMs spend a lot of time sitting at their desks so having comfortable seating is a must. SBMs can’t be sitting on hard, old seats and they need to be supported in the correct position. If the seating isn’t comfy then this can lead to issues such as constant back pain which also leads to a lack of motivation and low performance.

Ensure to purchase an office chair that has plenty of cushion in the back and that can also be adjustable to get it in the correct position needed.


Digital tools

Digital tools are essential to assist SBMs with their job to keep organised and on top of the multiple tasks they need to complete. There is a plethora of digital tools available to use that assist in many different areas. There are project management systems to store tasks in for personal and the wider team such as Trello. There are also many digital tools for budget management and communication which are vital to SBMs as well.

For further information on digital tools read our best tools for SBMs blog.


Wellbeing materials

Another thing SBMs can’t live without are wellbeing materials. The role of an SBM can be difficult, stressful and often lonely. It’s important to use wellbeing materials to help mental health and stop it from deteriorating. There are plenty of books out there to read and use, podcasts are readily available too and apps such as headspace. Research wellbeing materials and see what works for you and what will support your mental health and wellbeing.



SBMs need to have structure to be able to complete tasks in time and order them from high priority to low. Systems such as an ideal week where you can plan your week in advance and have blank spaces that could be filled in with last minute tasks or communicating with staff. Doing this plans weeks out, letting the week run smoothly whilst giving space for the things that crop up last minute.

Create a system or research systems and tailor it to work for you. It needs to be something you stick to and that helps you to get your job done as well as manage others.


Storage supplies

As organisation is key to the role of an SBM, storage supplies are a must have. Ensure to have plenty of storage supplies to keep important paperwork safe and secure as well as keeping everything needed together. Storage supplies such as filing cabinets are a must as this ensures that important documents stay safe in the office. Plus, only SBMs can access them so documents don’t get into the wrong hands.

Other great organisation and storage supplies to have are letter trays, storage pots, drawer organisers, files and folders.


Time for themselves & exercise

The hectic schedule that comes with the role of an SBM can often stop them from having some time to themselves and to get in exercise. These are critical for SBMs and is the most important one of the 10 things SBMs can’t live without.

When planning your schedule and setting your system in place, consider slotting in times where you can exercise and where you can have time to yourself. Doing this will increase your motivation, make you fall back in love with the job as it’s not overtaking your life and will boost your mood. It can feel extremely difficult to take time for yourself and exercise due to the heavy workload. Start off taking small steps such as taking a short walk around the school or taking a lunch break. Remember that everyone needs a break sometimes especially SBMs and don’t ever feel guilty for taking you time.



Implement and stock up on these 10 things SBMs can’t live without to help you with your demanding job. These essentials will change your work life for the better and allow you to work to your best ability, increasing your performance. If you are working better, then this will reflect on the whole school and motivate staff and students to perform to their highest ability too.