10 invaluable resources for school business managers

Schools are busy places, and not just during the hours that children are in lessons. As we all know, behind the scenes of any school there is a tremendous amount of activity – administration, organization and planning.
The unsung heroes of a school are invariably the business managers, ensuring things tick over smoothly and keeping teachers and parents in touch. Here are ten resources that can help make their job just a little bit easier.
Display boards
Parents don’t always read the communications they are sent and children often get lost walking around the school. Some occasions call for clear instructions, displayed prominently – such as directing spectators to the right meeting place for school sports day, for example. Mobile easels and whiteboards are perfect for the job.
First aid kit
Bumps and bruises, grazes and cuts – such little mishaps are part and parcel of school life. The Business manager needs to be equipped with the basic items required to administer minor first aid treatment.
Calendars and planners
Trying to keep track of every daily meeting, scheduled parents’ evening, staff training, school trips, themed assemblies and more can be an administrative nightmare! Some of these wall planners and calendars can be used time and again, and has a write-on/wipe-off surface – hugely practical.
Binding machines
Emails and PDF documents have a place for certain types of communications and reports, but sometimes nothing beats a hard copy. For more formal documentation, bound paperwork is perfect, presenting information neatly and professionally. This binding machine makes the task simple.
Entrance mats
Safety in and around the school invariably falls under the remit of the school Business manager, who must be aware of any potential hazards and risks at all times. Mats positioned in front of internal and external doors protect against children running and slipping.
Stacking chairs
Picture the scene – in a matter of hours, the school is preparing to welcome almost 100 prospective new parents, who will be attending a presentation from the headmaster and the chair of governors. Fortunately, as the expertly prepared school Business manager, you have a quantity of chairs ready to use for such occasions. These stacked chairs can sit up to five high, making them ideal and easy to store, too.
School Business printers see prolific use during the academic year – just think of the quantity of material that passes through, term after term. A dependable printer, or two, is a must… and perhaps it won’t be long before schools will be embracing 3D printers, too.
Data Storage
The world is becoming increasingly reliable on digital resources and schools are no different, with websites populated by images of class activities and sometimes, video footage of certain events. All of this material should be stored and archived: DVDs and USB memory sticks are ideal for this.
On occasion, it is necessary to laminate hard copies of signs or instructions to protect them – ‘don’t forget to wash your hands’ notices in the pupils’ toilets, or whenever items are being displayed outdoors or near water (kitchens, perhaps). A laminator provides a see-through cover and is worth its weight in gold in any school Business!
Last but by no means least – frankly, a school office can never have enough stationery. Common and much needed items include pens, markers and highlighters; files, folders and flipcharts; dividers, document wallets and photocopier paper.
The list could go on and on… and so do the duties of the School Business Manager!