How to keep fit in winter for SBMs

How to keep fit in winter- yoga indoors

How SBMs can keep fit in winter

Staying fit can be difficult for SBMs due to the copious amounts of workload with little free time. This becomes twice as hard when winter hits because of changes in the weather. Plus, winter is a time of year when many don’t feel like doing a lot during their free time.

To help with staying fit and healthy during winter, we have outlined some ways for how to keep fit in winter for SBMs.  Discover what can work around your schedule and try something new to motivate yourself to get active.


Make time in your day to exercise

As an SBM spare time is very limited due to the heavy workload. We understand that the little spare time you have should be spent doing what you love. However, there are spaces where you can fit in exercise a few times a week. Staying fit and healthy during winter helps to reduce stress levels and anxiety as well as boost concentration. This is vital for SBMs to enable them to work to their best ability whilst feeling happier.

Create some time before work or after to do a short amount of exercise. Ensure to try and do exercises on the same days each week to build up a routine. This will help you to stick to exercising during the winter months.

Remember that it is okay to miss  exercise on one day. You don’t have to do full workouts you can just do small exercises. If  you miss a day, you can always try the next and do a longer session.


Start your days early

A great way to get some exercise into your hectic days is by waking up earlier than usual. You can do a longer exercise, such as a run before you get ready for work. This takes pure willpower to be able to motivate yourself. However, once you start doing this you will get into a routine of waking earlier so it becomes easier.

Fitting in exercise this way is great as it may not be possible after work sometimes due to varying factors. These include work still needing to be done, feeling drained from a busy day, and having some time to yourself.

If you get up late, do a quicker exercise such as jogging on the spot for ten minutes. Doing something small counts just as much too.


Exercise whilst commuting

If possible, make exercise a part of your commute. You could walk instead of driving or even run. However, be prepared to take some extra clothes that you can change into once you reach your school. Exercising on the way home is most logical as you can get home and have a shower properly.

If you can’t prepare to change at school, take a short walk to get on public transportation. Then you can do a more intense workout on the way home.


Go for walks

There is always time to fit walks into your weeks, even if you can’t do it as part of your commute. Walking is the best type of exercise for SBMs as it is less time consuming and can be done anywhere. Plus, you can set how long you want to walk for depending on how much time you have. For when you are busy, take a short amount of time to walk. This could be around the school grounds to break your stressful day up or walking to your local shop instead of driving.


Make use of your desk

Most days SBMs can be pushed for time with the various tasks they have to complete. Create little time to exercise at your desk whilst working. Exercising this way is perfect for the colder months as you get to stay inside and can carry on with crucial tasks. Try some seated exercises, such as leg twists and chair running. These help to exercise the lower part of your body in a simple yet effective way.

Keep some small dumbbells in your desk draw to strengthen your upper arm muscles. Also, you could do some simple arm stretches for a few minutes then continue with your work.

Even though exercising at your desk is a great way to fit it into your hectic schedule, it isn’t good for your mental health. Ensure to take proper breaks away from your desk and your work.


running with staff/friends in winter

Invite staff to exercise with you

Staying fit and active during winter can feel lonely and therefore makes you lack motivation. To avoid this, get your staff on board to exercise with you. Schedule a time with them after school that works best. If you have a lot of interest from your staff, consider creating a group that exercises together weekly.

Use the school as a place to carry out any exercise you want to do. The hall or sports hall is a good option for brutal wintery days to keep warm. Plus, you can shelter from unpredictable weather. You can do yoga/pilates, tennis, dodgeball, football or any other indoor activity. Ensure to stock up on everything you may need for various sports such as yoga mats.

If this group meets weekly, plan to switch up the sports and activities every week to keep yourself and your staff interested.

You can also exercise with your friends. Exercising socially improves your mood no matter the time of year so bad weather won't stop you from improving your health.


Join a class or find a new sport

Boost your motivation to stay active during rain, sleet and snow by learning a new sport or a class. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet new people but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment due to learning something new.

Try choosing activities that are held indoors to keep safe from the weather, such as martial arts, rock climbing, or even dance classes. Doing something new will keep you interested in moving during the winter months. Plus, it will excite you to try something out! To fit this into your busy schedule, choose classes where you can pick and choose when to go.


Purchase winter activewear

As the weather changes and climates drop, it is important to purchase some winter activewear to keep warm and dry whilst exercising. When you first step outside, you can feel the chill but when you start exercising you warm up. However, you may feel like it’s hotter than it is, but this is when you can become ill. To prevent this, layering up is best for winter.

Gather a selection of complimentary clothing that can be added and removed easily whilst exercising. Opt for lightweight clothing, such as a rain jacket that is easier to tie around your waist whilst on the go.


Create a plan

This is the perfect tip for how to keep fit in winter for SBMs as they are used to planning for everything they do, so it should come naturally. Plan outdoor activities to do but also think of indoor activities alongside them. This will help you to follow through with being active in winter.

You could use a training app like Fitbit to schedule a workout or create one yourself like a poster that you can put up in your house as a reminder.


Create new habits

Getting outside or finding motivation to work out during winter months is very difficult due to the weather and changes in emotional state. It is so much easier to keep on top of exercising when the weather is sunny and warm.

However, creating good new habits will help you to get motivated and on the right path to staying fit and healthy during winter. These good habits can be something as simple as packing your exercise clothes the night before or getting them out to work out in the morning. This will ensure that you follow through with it as there is a reminder when you wake up.


Track your progress

Tracking your progress can show you exactly how far you’ve come in the goal of staying fit and healthy in winter. This will help to inspire you to keep it up throughout the cold, busy winter months. Due to seeing yourself every day, it's difficult to spot the changes that will be happening. By tracking progress, you can see the results and assure you that you are making a positive change even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Things you can track are your weight, workout performance or even track your steps. Tracking steps is perfect for SBMs as it gives them a goal to achieve every day without having to do long exercises.


Staying fit and healthy in winter can be extremely difficult and takes a lot of willpower. This is especially hard for SBMs as the time of year gets extra busy. However, try these tips on how to keep fit in winter to get some much-needed exercise, improve your health, motivation at work and most importantly, your mental wellbeing.

Remember that any small step is an achievement during the winter and it’s okay to build your exercise up slowly

For more active ideas read our ‘top places in the UK to go walking' blog.