Tips and advice on school meals

Tips and advice on school meals

Tips and advice on school meals


As a school business manager, your role extends beyond financial matters. You have the power to positively impact the lives of students and foster a nurturing environment that supports their holistic development. Two key initiatives that can greatly contribute to this are breakfast clubs and the provision of free school meals. In this blog, we will explore how school business managers can effectively incorporate breakfast clubs and provide valuable advice and tips on implementing free school meals.


Breakfast clubs

Breakfast is often hailed as the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. It provides essential nutrients, boosts cognitive function, and improves overall concentration levels. By introducing breakfast clubs in your school, you can offer a supportive space for students to start their day on a positive note. Here's how you can incorporate breakfast clubs effectively:


Collaborate with local partners

Seek partnerships with local grocery stores, food suppliers, or community organisations to secure donations or discounted rates on breakfast items. Engaging the community can foster a sense of togetherness and shared responsibility.


Engage student volunteers

Encourage students from higher year levels to volunteer as breakfast club helpers. This not only enhances their sense of responsibility but also promotes peer-to-peer support and a strong school community.


Diverse breakfast options

Offer a range of nutritious and appealing breakfast choices that cater to various dietary preferences and restrictions. Incorporate fresh fruits, whole grains, low-sugar cereals, and protein-rich options like yogurt or boiled eggs.


Create a welcoming environment

Ensure the breakfast club area is clean, comfortable, and inviting. Consider adding colourful decorations, soft background music, and friendly staff members to enhance the overall experience.


Tips for implementing free school meals

Providing free school meals to eligible students can significantly contribute to their overall well-being, academic performance, and alleviate financial burdens on families. Here are some practical tips to effectively implement free school meals:


Raise awareness

Promote the availability of free school meals to parents and guardians through various channels such as newsletters, the school website, and social media platforms. Clearly communicate the eligibility criteria, application process, and the benefits associated with the program.


Streamline the application process

Simplify the application process by providing online forms, clear instructions, and assistance for families who may require additional support. Ensure confidentiality and respect for each applicant's privacy.


Collaborate with catering services

Work closely with your school's catering service to create nutritious and well-balanced meal options that meet national guidelines. Consider incorporating student feedback to ensure the meals are enjoyable and appealing.


Combat stigma

Foster a culture of inclusivity and reduce the stigma sometimes associated with free school meals. Implement strategies such as anonymous meal cards, universal free meals for all students, or discreet distribution methods to ensure students' dignity and well-being.


Evaluate and monitor

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the free school meals program by seeking feedback from students, parents, and staff. Monitor the impact on attendance, academic performance, and student well-being to inform future improvements.


As a school business manager, your commitment to supporting student well-being is vital. By incorporating breakfast clubs and implementing free school meals, you can create an environment that nurtures students' physical and emotional health, positively impacting their overall academic success. Remember, collaboration, effective communication, and continuous evaluation are key to ensuring the success of these initiatives.