How to train a positive mindset

How to train a positive mindset
Training a positive mindset is essential for SBMs. With the news, the community, and our personal lives, it's easy to become overwhelmed, stressed out, and even upset. Our automatic reaction as humans does not always lean in the most positive direction. Ensuring you have a positive mindset means you are ready for whatever comes your way. So here at GLS, we have set out 6 tips to help train your brain to become more positive.
Begin your day right
The best way to start your day off right is to take the time to ease into it and truly prepare. Spend some quiet time in the morning relaxing, meditating, or simply thinking about your day and positive life moments. Take some time to prepare physically, emotionally, and mentally for the day. Eat breakfast, of course. When you start your day on a positive note, the rest of the day feels better, which leads to more positive thinking.
Make a list of things you’re grateful for
Maintain a grateful attitude to stay positive. Take some time to reflect on the things in your life for which you are truly grateful for. Once your list is complete, keep it in a safe place where you can see it on a regular basis. For example, on your phone, at work, or on a bookmark. Read through the list as often as possible to remind yourself of all the good things in your life and to keep a positive attitude.
Rework your response
When something challenging or difficult occurs in our lives, it is all too easy to react negatively. Instead, rewire your brain by consciously reworking every negative response you have. Instead of thinking, "I hate having to work late," consider, "This is helping me gain experience for better opportunities later on." By immediately switching from a negative to a positive response, you rewire your brain to think positively rather than negatively.
Stay active
Too much downtime can provide an opportunity for a depressed mindset. Instead, stay active and involved in a variety of activities and hobbies. Find activities that you enjoy filling your time with. They should be activities that can fill your mind with positive thoughts. If you prefer to be more relaxed, you can keep your mind active by reading books, playing games, or even taking up writing. When you start having negative thoughts, finding a positive outlet is a great way to redirect them. For more information on how to keep active, read our blog here.
Look after yourself
How can your brain be optimistic if your body is not? Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is critical to living a happy life. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and cultivate joyful relationships with loved ones for a life you can be proud of. When you feel good, your brain is likely to respond with more positive ideas.
Support others
Finally, giving to others brings us joy in our own lives. Volunteer for causes that are important to you or donate to local non-profit organisations to help others in your community. Supporting others is the ultimate way to give and receive love. When we do good in the world, our brains are reprogrammed to feel good and think good thoughts.
Start by reprogramming your brain to think more positively if you want to live a more altruistic lifestyle. Use these six suggestions to help you focus your thoughts and train your brain to be more positive. When we think positively, we send out positive energy into the world for others to enjoy.
For more tips and advice, read our top tips for smarter SBMs.