9 New Year’s resolution ideas for SBMs

New Year's resolution ideas- happy new year 2023 banner with fireworks

9 New Year’s resolution ideas for SBMs

Now 2023 is officially here it’s time to think about how you can make your life that little easier with some New Year’s resolutions. To help you think about what changes you can make we have sourced 9 New Year’s resolution ideas for SBMs.

We delve into various aspects of an SBMs life such as work, personal life and health. Take inspiration from these New Year’s resolutions ideas and devise ways to make 2023 work better for you.


Work life

An SBMs job role can be very challenging and tiring, so coming up with resolutions to ease work life is crucial. Think of ways to cope with the heavy workload and stress and try them out. If it works carry on through the whole year, if not try another method!

Here’s a few ideas for resolutions in your work life to make the job a bit easier.


Give time to others that aren’t staff or students

It often feels like the role of an SBM can consume every aspect of life and the only people you engage with are staff or students. However, a great New Year’s resolution is to give more of your time to others. Combat the inevitable burn-out of the job by setting time aside to spend time with family and friends, the people who help calm you.

Of course, there’s lots of work SBMs have to do but giving your time to the people you love in your personal life will help you reap the benefits.


Record your day

Due to SBMs working so quickly, it can give little time to think. The best thing to do is to write your experiences of the day to record it. This is one of the New Year’s resolutions ideas that helps with worries about work and educates by reflecting on the day. You can use a diary or just a notebook to list the occurrences that stand out within the day.

Doing this can help with referring to notes when something similar happens again to you or a member of staff. You can see how you dealt with it and how to resolve the problem, so you don’t get stuck again.


Don’t allow the system to win

An important resolution to have as an SBM is to try and not let the system win. This is in terms of losing sight of the students as individuals and people due to the system turning them into numbers. The system steers towards grading and assessments to get the best out of the children, whilst not considering their personal needs and them as people.

SBMs must remember that it’s all about children’s own progression and experiences from school and cater to their needs. It is also important to encourage your staff to do this when teaching too and see students as they individuals that they are.


Create a fresh start

This is one of the best new year's resolution ideas to have now that schools back up and running. It’s time to organise work to create a fresh start for the new year. To start this off, it’s best to organise and tidy your office space. Having a clean and tidy office helps to keep track of the various tasks you have, as well as boosting motivation and mood. Invest in some draw tidy's to keep draws organised whilst creating more room in them and other organisational essentials such as folders, files, storage pots etc.

Once your office space is fresh for the new year, work out how’s best to organise your work and your staff’s work. This could be using online resources such as Trello or a more old-fashioned approach with pen and paper. Whichever way works for you, doing this will help you to keep track of all the tasks you have as well as where your staff are up to.


Create time to eat lunch

As an SBMs schedule is very hectic, it is easy to forget to eat and take a break. It can feel like you won’t get anything done if you don’t work through lunch. However, try implementing a set time to eat lunch as a new year's resolution. Having a break and eating is vital to have optimum motivation and working to your best ability. Depriving yourself of food and a break can make you tired and sluggish with no energy.

Try to stick to a short lunch break at the same time and depending on what your day is like; you can take a longer rest. If you have enough time to eat a healthy balanced lunch, you will be ready to conquer anything that the day may bring.

New Year's resolution ideas- organising office space with draw dividers

Personal life

Due to the demanding job role of an SBM, it is easy to overlook doing things for yourself and enjoying time with people outside of the work environment. Here at GLS, we understand the importance of time to yourself and have created some new year's resolution ideas for your personal life.


Take up a hobby

Picking up a personal hobby alongside your job can help you to escape your work life that often overtakes. Find something you enjoy and want to stick to that you can forget about your job with. Something set in the outdoors is often great for relaxing the body and mind.

Some hobbies to consider are dance classes, knitting, yoga, swimming, arts and crafts, sports and photography. Whatever you choose, ensure to set time aside for it, enjoy it and forget about work for a moment


Read more

A great way to unwind and relax from a stressful working day is to read. Escaping into literature helps to de-stress as well as giving time to yourself. Due to the busy nature of an SBMs role, it can feel impossible to fit any time to read. However, as a new year's resolution, try to plan small times to read in the evenings to get out of the work mindset.

Explore a range of genres and spend up to an hour reading after work. To make sure you stick to it, invest in books that intrigues you or that you’ve researched that interests you.




A key area to consider new year’s resolution ideas in is your health. It is essential to better your health especially when the job requires more sitting and looking at a screen. We have some new year's resolutions to improve your health that you could try out for the rest of 2023.


Exercise more

A perfect way to keep on top of your health is by trying to exercise regularly. You can achieve this resolution in several ways that suits you and fits into your schedule better.

The best way to get more exercise for an SBM is to set time aside to go outdoors for a walk. Depending on the day you have, you could take a short walk or make it longer. This is best to do after work to de-stress but to get you away from your screen, you could take a very short walk around the school in lunch.

Another easy way to exercise regularly is by using at home exercising apps. There are multiple apps for different types of exercise and are usually great for more intense workouts. These workout apps are usually short so can fit into your day easily. Most have programmes within them too such as a 30-day challenge to motivate you to exercise every day.


Practice mindfulness

Through the demanding role, SBMs can often strain their mental health and wellbeing as stress takes over. For one of our 9 new year's resolution ideas for SBMs, we suggest practicing mindfulness. This can help to relieve stress and forget about the day. Plus, mindfulness is perfect for stopping negative thinking and dwelling on bad aspects of the day which is crucial for SBMs.

Mindfulness relaxes your body and mind which leads to better sleep too. Better sleep allows SBMs to work more effectively during the day and improves mood. You can feel like you can take on anything with the right amount of sleep.



Try out some of our 9 new year’s resolutions for SBMs to help make 2023 your year. Relieve some of your stress and focus on the key areas of your life to improve your wellbeing and mental health whilst making work that little bit easier. Tweak our new year's resolution ideas to suit your needs and take charge of 2023!


New Year is the perfect time to embark upon new regimes. So now 2023 has begun, why not explore what else you can change and improve upon alongside these new year’s resolution ideas? Read our ‘Let’s SWAP’ blog to create a New Year reflection.