Sure Shot Rounders Starter Pack - Primary

Sure Shot Rounders Starter Pack - Primary


Product code: G1497237


This Sure Shot Rounders Starter Pack is an ideal beginner's pack for Schools and Clubs which includes more durable and hard wearing equipment. Approved by Rounders England,  it contains everything you need to play the game including bat, balls, bases and an oversize holdall. Suitable for 6-11 year olds.

What's in the Set?

2 x Mentor pink bats

2 x Mentor blue bats

1 x trainer ball

1 x safety ball

1 x set of 4 posts with rubber bases and tops

1 x equipment bag

Further Information

Approved by Rounders England
Age Recommended from
6 Years
Age Recommended to
11 Years
Sure Shot
Country of Manufacture
Supplier Product Code

This Sure Shot Rounders Starter Pack is an ideal beginner's pack for Schools and Clubs which includes more durable and hard wearing equipment. Approved by Rounders England,  it contains everything you need to play the game including bat, balls, bases and an oversize holdall. Suitable for 6-11 year olds.

What's in the Set?

2 x Mentor pink bats

2 x Mentor blue bats

1 x trainer ball

1 x safety ball

1 x set of 4 posts with rubber bases and tops

1 x equipment bag

Further Information

Approved by Rounders England
Age Recommended from
6 Years
Age Recommended to
11 Years
Sure Shot
Country of Manufacture
Supplier Product Code

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