Urban Fitness Chin Up Bar - Black

Urban Fitness Chin Up Bar - Black


Product code: GP00051169


Chin-ups, pull-ups and other exercises where you hang freely in the air and support your own body weight with your arms are some of the oldest, and most effective, strength-training exercises. Thanks to the various handle grips, you can train specific muscle groups in your arms, and also work on your back or shoulders. Also try exercises such as leg raises, helping you strengthen your thighs and core.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
7 Years
Product Type
Pull Up/Push Up Bars

Chin-ups, pull-ups and other exercises where you hang freely in the air and support your own body weight with your arms are some of the oldest, and most effective, strength-training exercises. Thanks to the various handle grips, you can train specific muscle groups in your arms, and also work on your back or shoulders. Also try exercises such as leg raises, helping you strengthen your thighs and core.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
7 Years
Product Type
Pull Up/Push Up Bars

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