The Growing Up Guide for Girls Book

The Growing Up Guide for Girls Book


Product code: G1489270


The Growing Up Guide for Girls is a one-stop guide for young girls on the autism spectrum explaining all they need to know about puberty and adolescence.

The pre-teen and teenage years are a bumpy time when bodies change, emotions are high and peers are developing at different paces. Using simple, literal language and delightful colour illustrations, this book explains the facts about body changes such as growing hair in new places, periods, wearing a bra and keeping spots away! It gives cool tips on what makes a real friend, what it means to have a crush on somebody, and how to stay safe online. Most importantly, it explains that every body is beautiful and unique and encourages young girls with autism to celebrate difference!

Perfect preparation for the teenage years for girls age 9 years +.

Contains 68 Pages.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
9 Years
Davida Hartman
Development Need
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Minimum Age Suitability
9 Years +
Pack size
Product Type

The Growing Up Guide for Girls is a one-stop guide for young girls on the autism spectrum explaining all they need to know about puberty and adolescence.

The pre-teen and teenage years are a bumpy time when bodies change, emotions are high and peers are developing at different paces. Using simple, literal language and delightful colour illustrations, this book explains the facts about body changes such as growing hair in new places, periods, wearing a bra and keeping spots away! It gives cool tips on what makes a real friend, what it means to have a crush on somebody, and how to stay safe online. Most importantly, it explains that every body is beautiful and unique and encourages young girls with autism to celebrate difference!

Perfect preparation for the teenage years for girls age 9 years +.

Contains 68 Pages.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
9 Years
Davida Hartman
Development Need
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Minimum Age Suitability
9 Years +
Pack size
Product Type

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