Fire Syringe

Fire Syringe


Product code: G1848938


Using the Fire Syringe, also known as a Fire Piston, to compress air into a smaller volume is a classic example of how rapidly doing work on a gas results in an increase in temperature.

Once you have inserted a small piece of combustible cotton fibre into the syringe piston, a quick firm stroke on the piston handle produces a flash in the chamber which burns as long as there is air present.

  • The Fire Syringe comes with combustible fibre, and 2 replacement O-rings for the piston.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
11 Years
Curriculum Link
Energy Transfer
Product Type
Fire Piston

Using the Fire Syringe, also known as a Fire Piston, to compress air into a smaller volume is a classic example of how rapidly doing work on a gas results in an increase in temperature.

Once you have inserted a small piece of combustible cotton fibre into the syringe piston, a quick firm stroke on the piston handle produces a flash in the chamber which burns as long as there is air present.

  • The Fire Syringe comes with combustible fibre, and 2 replacement O-rings for the piston.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
11 Years
Curriculum Link
Energy Transfer
Product Type
Fire Piston

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