Metal Jugs from Hope Education Pack of 3 Pack of three

Metal Jugs from Hope Education Pack of 3 Pack of three


Product code: G1837323


These metal jugs will make a great addition to any outdoor setting. Fill them up and get busy pouring. Use in open-ended play activities, in the home corner or for watering plants. Set includes 3 jugs in 3 different sizes. Featuring smooth edges and finish, these pans are hard-wearing, durable and fit to last.

Dimensions (largest): L300 x W200 x D200mm (smallest) L220 x W140 x D140mm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitability
3 Years +
Hope Education
Country of Manufacture
Material Type
Pack size
Pack 3
Product Type
Pots & Bowls

These metal jugs will make a great addition to any outdoor setting. Fill them up and get busy pouring. Use in open-ended play activities, in the home corner or for watering plants. Set includes 3 jugs in 3 different sizes. Featuring smooth edges and finish, these pans are hard-wearing, durable and fit to last.

Dimensions (largest): L300 x W200 x D200mm (smallest) L220 x W140 x D140mm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitability
3 Years +
Hope Education
Country of Manufacture
Material Type
Pack size
Pack 3
Product Type
Pots & Bowls

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