Junior Learning Emotions Activity Cards - Pack of 50

Junior Learning Emotions Activity Cards - Pack of 50


Product code: G1824028


50 Emotion Activities is a set of double-sided activity cards that teach children how to identify and express different emotions using interactive tasks such as art, music, dance, acting and group work. As children progress through the activity they will develop new vocabulary and techniques to deal with emotions.

Contains 50 cards.

Ages 4+.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
4 Years
Junior Learning
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Product Type

50 Emotion Activities is a set of double-sided activity cards that teach children how to identify and express different emotions using interactive tasks such as art, music, dance, acting and group work. As children progress through the activity they will develop new vocabulary and techniques to deal with emotions.

Contains 50 cards.

Ages 4+.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
4 Years
Junior Learning
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Product Type

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