The Panicosaurus Book

The Panicosaurus Book


Product code: G1489262


Have you ever felt a sense of dread and worry creeping over you?

That might be the Panicosaurus coming out to play...

Sometimes the Panicosaurus tricks Mabel's brain into panicking about certain challenges, such as walking past a big dog on the street or when her favourite teacher is not at school. With the help of Smartosaurus, who lets her know there is really nothing to be afraid of, Mabel discovers different ways to manage Panicosaurus, and defeat the challenges he creates for her.

This fun, easy-to-read and fully illustrated storybook will inspire children who experience anxiety, and encourage them to banish their own Panicosauruses with help from Mabel's strategies. Parents and carers will like the helpful introduction, explaining anxiety in children, and the list of techniques for lessening anxiety at the end of the book.

Contains 56 Pages.

Age Suitability: 5 Years +

Further Information

Age Recommended from
5 Years
Age Suitability
5 Years +
Kay Al-Ghani
Development Need
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Product Type
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Have you ever felt a sense of dread and worry creeping over you?

That might be the Panicosaurus coming out to play...

Sometimes the Panicosaurus tricks Mabel's brain into panicking about certain challenges, such as walking past a big dog on the street or when her favourite teacher is not at school. With the help of Smartosaurus, who lets her know there is really nothing to be afraid of, Mabel discovers different ways to manage Panicosaurus, and defeat the challenges he creates for her.

This fun, easy-to-read and fully illustrated storybook will inspire children who experience anxiety, and encourage them to banish their own Panicosauruses with help from Mabel's strategies. Parents and carers will like the helpful introduction, explaining anxiety in children, and the list of techniques for lessening anxiety at the end of the book.

Contains 56 Pages.

Age Suitability: 5 Years +

Further Information

Age Recommended from
5 Years
Age Suitability
5 Years +
Kay Al-Ghani
Development Need
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Product Type
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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