ORCHARD TOYS Ice Palace Jigsaw - 50 Piece

ORCHARD TOYS Ice Palace Jigsaw - 50 Piece


Product code: GP00050816


This colourful 50-piece jigsaw features a busy mythical ice palace scene with lots of residents to spot, including princesses, a wizard, polar bears, seals and penguins! Ice Palace also includes a fun learning guide on the back of the box, which features different discussion points to talk about once the puzzle has been completed. 50 pieces.

Age Suitability: 4 Years +

Further Information

Age Range
4 Years +
Age Recommended from
4 Years
Age Suitability Message
WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months due to small parts that may present a choking hazard.
Age Suitable from
4 Years
Orchard Toys
Learning Outcome
Discussion; Hand Eye Co-Ordination; Imaginative Play; Knowledge and Understanding; Observation;
Product Type
Cold Environments

This colourful 50-piece jigsaw features a busy mythical ice palace scene with lots of residents to spot, including princesses, a wizard, polar bears, seals and penguins! Ice Palace also includes a fun learning guide on the back of the box, which features different discussion points to talk about once the puzzle has been completed. 50 pieces.

Age Suitability: 4 Years +

Further Information

Age Range
4 Years +
Age Recommended from
4 Years
Age Suitability Message
WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months due to small parts that may present a choking hazard.
Age Suitable from
4 Years
Orchard Toys
Learning Outcome
Discussion; Hand Eye Co-Ordination; Imaginative Play; Knowledge and Understanding; Observation;
Product Type
Cold Environments

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