PERCUSSION Plus Double Agogo Bells- Medium

PERCUSSION Plus Double Agogo Bells- Medium


Product code: G1876418


These traditional agogo bells are a great addition to any existing samba outfit and are also good for developing rhythm in primary or secondary education.

This instrument consists of two, tonally matched bells which are constructed in the traditional U shape design.

The sound is clear and bright, sounding a little like two different sized cowbells.

Further Information

Key Stage
Not Applicable
Product Type
Cymbals & Triangles

These traditional agogo bells are a great addition to any existing samba outfit and are also good for developing rhythm in primary or secondary education.

This instrument consists of two, tonally matched bells which are constructed in the traditional U shape design.

The sound is clear and bright, sounding a little like two different sized cowbells.

Further Information

Key Stage
Not Applicable
Product Type
Cymbals & Triangles

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